مدرسة سيك الدولية قطر، نعرض اهم مميزات المدرسة ومكانها ومناهجها وكل شئ حولها.
معلومات عن المدرسة
Doha College is one of the oldest British curriculum schools in Qatar providing a world class education for 1800 students between the ages of 3 and 18, who represent over 70 nationalities Established in 1980, the college is proud to celebrate its pearl anniversary in 2010. Originally opened to meet the demand for a British-style education, the institution continues to operate under the sponsorship of the British Embassy on a not-for-profit basis. Doha College has an enviable reputation as one of the top international schools in the Gulf region with an atmosphere that makes it unique.
There is tangible energy, enthusiasm and dynamism apparent throughout the college and it is clear that the students are happy and thrive on the challenges offered both in and out of the classroom. All stakeholders believe that the ‘DC experience’ should be a positive, indelible and memorable one, which prepares and remains with each student for life
Our Mission
Doha College provides an inspiring and challenging learning environment which develops confidence, creativity and intellect, in order to enable every student to make a valued contribution to our global society.
Pre-School Through Key Stage 1 & 2
The Foundation Stage is comprised of pupils in Pre-school and Reception classes and follows the Foundation Stage Curriculum.
Pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2 follow the National Curriculum for England, which is modified to suit the local environment.
Pupils are taught the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science through a variety of teaching styles which foster creativity and personalised learning. Pupils also study the following subjects: Topic, Art, DT, ICT, Music, PE, Arabic and Physical Education.
Pupils are immersed in challenging learning experiences through a wide range of opportunities that offer fun and enjoyment. An extensive after school programme is offered to all pupils in Key Stages 1 and 2 and provides opportunities to develop a diverse range of skills and interests. A number of formal and informal assessment procedures are carried out during the school year.
Key Stage 3
One of the aims of the curriculum for Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) is to allow students to benefit from as wide a range of subjects as possible. In addition to English, Mathematics, Science and Physical Education, eight others are taught. This ensures a broad and balanced education, and also enables students to see in which fields their interests and talents lie. All students take part in all aspects of the curriculum, including Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) which is normally delivered by a Form Tutor who also monitors academic progress and is usually the main focus for contact within the school. Any parents wishing to know more about the PSHE programme should contact the Key Stage leader or an Assistant Principal.
Key Stage 4
At the end of Year 9, students choose the subjects they wish to follow to GCSE and IGCSE examination level during Years 10 and 11 (Key Stage 4). The compulsory subjects of Mathematics, English, Science (either Combined or the separate Sciences of Biology, Chemistry and Physics) and PE . For students following the Combined Science course, a further four optional subjects may be chosen. Students taking separate Sciences are able to take three optional subjects. PSHE is also taught to all students.
At the end of Year 11, most students will be able to sit for a total of nine GCSE/IGCSE certificates, which are recognised throughout the world.
6th Form
6th Form (Years 12 and 13) students have a number of options available, dependent upon their GCSE grades: AS/A level, AVCE, or a combination of these two. Work at A level is academically demanding and acceptance on to a particular course will be subject to a student having achieved at least five GCSEs at grade C or better, or equivalent and a minimum grade B in the subject(s) chosen. Teacher recommendations will also be taken into account when deciding whether or not to accept a student onto a particular course.
Advanced Subsidiary (AS) level is also offered in most subjects. These are usually covered in one year. All subjects at AS/A level are now modular and allow for examinations to be taken at different, set times during the course of a year. This benefits both those students seeking to improve their grades and those seeking entrance to certain universities at the end of Year 12
Documents Required
• Latest school report (For Year 1 to Year 13)
• Copy of completed DC Early Years Foundation Stage Application (For Pre School & Reception)
• Copy of the applicant’s passport
• ** A copy of the Qatar Residence Permit if available. If this is not available at the time of application, please complete the form to state ‘In Process’
• Two passport size photographs
School Timings
Primary School
Period Time
Registration 7.20 am
Lessons 7.30 – 9.30 am
1st break 9.30 – 10.00 am
Lessons 10.00 – 12.00 noon
2nd break / Hometime for Preschool 12.00 – 12.30 pm
Lessons 12.30 – 1.10 pm
End of school 1.10 pm
Afterschool activities 1.20 – 2.20 pm
Secondary School
Period Time
Registration/tutorial 7.10 – 7-35 am
Lesson 1 7.35 – 8.35 am
Lesson 2 8.35 – 9.35 am
1st break 9.35 – 10.00 am
Lesson 3 10.00 – 11.00 am
Lesson 4 11.00 – 12.00 noon
2nd break 12.00 – 12.20 pm
Lesson 5 12.20 – 1.20 pm
End of school 1.20 pm
Afterschool activities 1.30 – 2.30 pm
Fee Schedule for the Year 2014-2015
Autumn Term : 10,407
Spring Term : 10,407
Summer Term : 10,407
Capital Charge : 5,000
Yearly Fee : 36,221
Registeration Fee : 3,650
Refundable Deposits : 10,000
Year 6
Autumn Term : 11,9667
Spring Term : 11,966
Summer Term : 11,966
Capital Charge : 5,000
Yearly Fee : 40,898
Registeration Fee : 3,650
Refundable Deposits : 10,000
Year 7-11
Autumn Term : 20,381
Spring Term : 20,381
Summer Term : 20,381
Capital Charge : 5,000
Yearly Fee : 66,143
Registeration Fee : 3,650
Refundable Deposits : 10,000
Year 12-13
Autumn Term : 22,397
Spring Term : 22,397
Summer Term : 22,397
Capital Charge : 5,000
Yearly Fee : 72,191
Registeration Fee : 3,650
Refundable Deposits : 10,000
من يرغب للتقديم في المدرسة يرجي الاتصال علي رقم الهاتف وزيارة مكان المدرسة.
مكان المدرسة/ West Bay
رقم الهاتف/ 44076777